Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Float Plane Safety

At Ignace Outposts and Ignace Airways, our first priority is your safety when flying you to and from our camps.  Our pilots are experienced and well trained and our maintenance standards are high.  We sometimes  wait on weather not to inconvenience you but be sure our flights can be done safely to completion, which means the aircraft can return home safely too.

Even though we operate in the bush, we are not a “bush league” operation.

Recently our government department in charge of air transportation (Transport Canada) published a web page dealing with float plane safety.  Here is the link:  Float Plane Safety

Take a few minutes to browse this site.  It has some good info on it relating to being a passenger in a float plane.


If you are preparing to ride on one of our aircraft and you don’t understand any safety aspect of your flight, please don’t hesitate to ask us.  We want nothing more than for your trip to enjoyable, safe and memorable.