Hey Brad and Karen,
I just wanted to send you a quick note along with a few pictures from one of my recent trips. After traveling across Canada for eight years now and after taping four shows with you, I can safely say (without BS-ing anyone!) that you run a first rate outpost vacation.
As you know, this past spring we taped a show at your Flindt Lake outpost and we should have that episode edited soon. I caught two nice walleyes over 24 inches and a pile of 17 – 20 inchers. My buddy caught two really good northerns; one was 38 inches and the other 37. Oh… and, uh, um… good thing for your prop guards… I found out that they work very, very well.
One other thing… I just finished writing my book, “The Trip of a Lifetime.” It’s a 206 page book about hunting and fishing trips in Canada. The last chapter is called “RD’s Top Ten Destinations” and I included a section on your operation. Top ten isn’t too bad when you consider I’ve been to over 175 places now!
Thanks again and stay RUGGED!
RD, “The Rugged Dude”
Host & Executive producer, Officially Rugged Television
Rugged is the one drinking out of the milk carton. Being married I could never get away with that - in the bush or not.