Friday, December 05, 2008

Top 10 Reasons why FISHING is the Best past time

Top 10 Reasons why FISHING is the Best past time.

10 - You can watch shows about Fishing in the living room.
9 - You don't have to hide your Fishing magazines.
8 - The Ten Commandments don't say anything against Fishing.
7 - If your partner takes pictures of you Fishing, you don't have to worry about them showing up on the Internet if you become famous.
6 - Your Fishing partner doesn't get upset about people you Fished with long ago.
5 - It's perfectly respectable to Fish with a total stranger.
4 - You can have a Fishing calendar on your wall at the office, tell Fishing jokes, and invite coworkers to Fish with you at Ignace Outposts without getting sued for harassment.
3 - Nobody expects you to Fish with the same partner for the rest of your life.
2 - You can plan a vacation at Ignace Outposts to enjoy your favorite activity.
1 - Your Fishing partner will never say, "Not again? We just Fished last week! Is Fishing all you ever think about?"